Thursday, August 09, 2007

38th Annual Dover Band Show - October 13, 2007

The 38th Annual Dover Band Show will be held at Dunaway Field, Dover High School on October 13, 2007. This show is the longest-running Band Show in New England, and will feature High School Bands from throughout New Hampshire and Maine. The DPMC will offer a wide variety of foods and souvenirs at the concession stands. Tickets are $7 for adults, $5 for students and seniors, and under 5 are free.

23rd Annual DPMC Fall Craft Fair - November 3, 2007

It's time to start thinking about next Fall....

The big news this year is that you can set up between 6:00pm and 8:00pm on Friday night. No more rushing at the crack of dawn Saturday morning!

DATE: Saturday, November 3, 2007
TIME: 8:30AM to 2:30PM
PLACE: Dover High School, Rte. 108, Dover, NH
COST: $40 per space, non-refundable

You can get the fair information sheet as a WORD document here.
You can get the application form as a WORD document here.

If you don't have WORD you can get the fair information sheet and version of the application form that can be viewed on any Windows computer by clicking the links in this paragraph.

The 2007 Green Wave Marching Band Season Begins - "LA NOUBA!"

The 2007 Dover Green Wave Marching Band season is underway! Rehearsals have begun for this year's show, "LA NOUBA" from Cirque du Soleil. We welcome all of our new band and guard members and look forward to another great season.

Please note that uniform contracts, band camp permission slips, medical forms, picnic postcards, and uniform and camp payments should be turned in as soon as possible.

There is still time to volunteer for the Pease Air Show! The DHS Music Department and the DPMC will be paid $13 per hour per volunteer, for every parent, student, staff member, and friend of the DPMC who volunteers at the Air Show on August 18 and 19. Funds raised will be used to purchase much-needed equipment for Guard, Percussion, Band, and other programs. Contact Wendy at if you would like to participate. The DPMC thanks you for your support!

The schedule for the 2007 marching band season is as follows:

Marching Band Rehearsals
TUE 8/7 6-9
THU 8/9 6-9
TUE 8/14 6-9
TUE 8/21 6-9
TUE 8/28 6-9
THU 8/30 6-9
TUE 9/4 6-9
TUE 9/11 6-9
TUE 9/18 6-9
TUE 9/25 6-9
TUE 10/2 6-8
TUE 10/9 6-8
TUE 10/16 6-8
TUE 10/23 6-8

Band Camp
THU 8/23 – MON 8/27

Family Welcome Picnic
FRI 8/24 5-6

Big “E” Trip
FRI 9/21

Apple Harvest Day
SAT 10/6

Sandbach School Boys Visit
THU 10/18 - MON 10/22

Music Dept Halloween Party
FRI 10/26

Shows & Competitions
SAT 9/15 Biddeford
SAT 9/29 Wells
SAT 10/6 Salem, NH
SAT 10/13 Dover Band Show (10/14 rain date)
SAT 10/20 South Portland
SAT 10/27 Sanford - Finals (10/28 rain date)

Football Games
FRI 8/31
FRI 9/14
FRI 9/28
FRI 10/19 with Pizza Supper
FRI 11/2

Craft Fair
FRI 11/2 Setup 3-8
SAT 11/3 Fair 8:30-2:30

Wreath Day
SAT 12/1 7:30 – 11:00

DPMC Meetings
TUE 9/4 6:00
TUE 10/2 6:00
TUE 11/6 6:30
TUE 12/4 6:30