Sunday, October 03, 2004

Next DPMC Meeting

Just a quick reminder....
Our next DPMC meeting is this coming Tuesday, Oct 5th, 6pm in the music room.  If you are planning on attending, please let me know...I am mailing out volunteer band show postcards on Monday and would like to save postage if we can.
I do believe a parent has offered to bring refreshments as well come "snack" with us while we discuss the upcoming events and exciting things happening.
Yes, it did pour last night...thankfully right AFTER we got off the field, but not in time for us to get on the bus.  Pit truck left a bit earlier...THANK YOU, once again,  to all of the parents who helped unload the truck AND bring ALL the instruments (except the three LARGE percussion instruments) up ALL those stairs.  By the end of this season, we will have THE most "FIT PIT CREW" ever (students...don't get use to all now owe us big time!)
UNIFORMS - Hangers for uniforms did not arrive on Friday as promised...should be here for next week's shows.  However, some students still do not have garment bag.  ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE A GARMENT BAG or something to protect these uniforms (See Emily Wood if your child needs one).  These uniforms are precious commodities (and expensive if you have to replace).  We try to keep them as clean as possible (did have a few fall in the bottom of the truck last night...not a pretty sight).  Also, parents, if your child's pants are too long, they MUST be hemmed (please ask your child if anyone has mentioned this to them).  Dragging along the ground, walkways, roads during competitions and parades ruins the bottom and makes us "look" less than proud.    Pant length should be touching the laces of the shoes and not dragging on the ground.  Student must take pride in caring for these uniforms.  PLEASE help us keep these uniforms in good shape.  While we would "love" to parent them know how difficult it is to parent one or two..(plus I'm getting too old to take on more than I know I can handle mentally).
Hope to see you all at the meeting.'s your chance to pay back a little of what you owe - remind your parents to come to the meeting.  I will be glad to credit your "account" of what you "owe" us if your parent attends.
Have a great day football game next week...however, not one, but TWO competitions next week.  Look for change in departure time on Sunday.  Since Swansea Ma seems to be about 2 1/2 hrs (little traffic) and we are on deck at 1:45, on the field 1:50pm, arriving at 11am is not going to make it.  Ms. B. will also confirm departure time for Saturday's Salem Show.
Nice job Saturday morning - the City of Dover was well represented by you all.
Your friendly, organized and exhausted
secretary, pit crew coordinator, band show co-chair, and surrogate "mom",
Elaine Case (aka Mrs. Case)